Nepal is a beautiful Himalayan country with diverse geography and culture. It's a landlocked country located between China and India sharing 1850 km of open borders with India at south, east and west and 1415 km of boundaries with China in the north. Historically Nepal was an only Hindu nation of the world ruled by Monarchy. The interim constitution of 2006 officially demolished the both. The Constitution of 20th September 2015 declared Nepal as a federal democratic republic nation characterized by secularism, democracy and freedom of speech.

Total geographic area of Nepal is 147,181 square kilometres which as per Index Mundi 92/194 largest country of the world. Nepal has seven provinces, 14 zones and 77 districts. Moreover, there are 753 local governments comprising 6 metropolitan cities, 11 sub metropolitan cities, 276 municipalities and 460 rural municipalities. 

Population and Demographics
As per the census of 2011 Nepalese population was 26,494,504 with the growth rate of 1.35 percent. As per the data by Worldometer July 2020, Nepal is the 49/235 largest country in terms of Population. Nepal is in the stage of huge demographic dividend with 59.82 percent population are under the age group of 15 to 64 years. The population as of 2020 is assumed to reach 30 million. It has 126 identified castes and 123 languages over Nepal. Hinduism remained the major religion with 81.3 percent followed by Buddhism 9 percent.