Once again the tension between Nepal and India has increased over the boundary issue. No bilateral relation in the world is taken as close as between the two considering people to people connection, cultural ties and free mobility. On the other hand, often the tension goes into the level that one country imposes complete blockade to the neighbouring country, probably the worst in the history of the entire world. When you listen to the experts, Nepal is taken as the dependent country largely on India, an economy which is 100 times larger than the size of the former one. But surprisingly, the reality is entirely different, conspiring the facts and figures. Although bilateral relation is not examined in terms of gainers or losers, it makes sense living under such an immature and egocentric political environment.  

The relation among the people from two countries is probably unique in the world. There is no official data but 3 million of Indians are supposed to be here in Nepal for employment and business purposes, but the number is 5 million as per the statement of foreing minister of India. The number of migrants has been growing every year with the increasing unemployment in India. In addition, roughly two millions of Indians have got citizenship due to the lax citizenship act of Nepal. On the other hand, more than 50,000 Nepalese are on Indian Gurkha army protecting their soils. It is because of their bravery and courage, Nepal should not be taken as the favor from India upon the same. Nepalese leaders and people also had the vital contribution on the indepence of India. As a result the leader of that time was grateful towards Nepal, the only independent nation in South Asia. Another 3 millions Nepalese are working over the different cities of India, but the number is declining gradually. 

 It is interesting to know that India is 22 times greater than Nepal in area but  Nepal has given shelter and food to the huge chunk of Indians. It is supported by the data of cross country remittance. Nepal ranks fourth in terms of remittance inflow in India with the amount of $5 billion. Whereas, remittance inflow to Nepal from India is just about $800 million. 

India is getting huge benefits from the bilateral trade as Nepal imports about $860 billion whereas exports around $60 billion as India frequently interrupts the exports of Nepal citing the various reasons, palm oil and cardamom are the recent examples. Nepal has become the market to dump highly subsidized agricultural products with high pesticide of Indian farmers as the third countries reject the goods citing sanitary and phyto sanitary measures of WTO. At the same time Nepalse farmers are suffering by not getting access even to their own local market. Being  a landlocked country, WTO has guaranteed access to the nearest sea port for third country trade. In this way the blockade is complete against the rule of international trade. 

In terms of tourism there is no concrete data since people move freely on either side without visa and passport. The number 200,000 tourists from India should have been very significant for Nepal but they are not taken as high value visitors with average per day consumption about $50 per day. Indian embassy has provided the scholarship to around 3000 Nepalese students. At the same time, there are thousands of students from Nepal studying in various colleges of India. India has become the significant destination for health tourism as well. People around the 1800 km border areas get the major consumers from Nepal side, the trade is very significant for small traders from India. 

Nepalese government has tried to reduce the dependency on foreign aid as the share of foreign assistance has reduced significantly during the last decade. The existing assistance from India remains roughly around $90 million of which a large portion is used in the interest of India himself. India promised the FDI of significant amounts but the implementation of which is probably the worst in the world. India itself is suffering with the issues of unemployment, poor investment and lower economic growth, it is unlikely that Nepal could take huge benefits from India at least for the next decade. 

However, a good bilateral relation is always in the best interest of both the countries. Ongoing issues could have been resolved easily when the parties are serious on the dialogues as India has resolved the issue with Bangladesh recently. Considering the facts and figures Nepal is very significant to India. Before going into the dialogues we have to set our priorities and interests that are expected to be achieved from these bilateral ties. We are small in terms of size and population but at least equal in terms of sovereignty and contributions, if not the more. Therefore, we have no reason to have inferiority complex on a diplomatic and bilateral discussion.